Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble 'til you wobble!

My new man!  

Classic family's crying, Salem looks like she been through hell and back, and Andrew & I both haven't slept in DAYS!

Thanksgiving was definitely different this year!  We ordered all the food from New Braunfels Smokehouse and didn't bother making a single dish.....other than homemade banana bread and Salem made us all cupcakes! Andrew's parents were here to spend the holiday with us and help out with the adjustment of another little one around the house.  We couldn't have done it without the extra sets of hands these past 2 weeks.  Salem is getting better, but we're still taking EXTRA precautions by keeping her well away from Tavin. This has been THE hardest thing to do.  All I want is to have my two babies sitting in my lap, playing, Salem holding her baby brother, and we're having to give it some time.  The disappointment on her face KILLS me every time I tell her that she has to keep her distance from him.  Oh well, in a few days.

Have a great weekend!


Andrea and Ben said...

You guys are a cute little family!!!

Anonymous said...

OHhhh you guys are sooo CUTE! I'll try to call you again tomorrow. Family should be gone then and we're not going hunting...atleast I dont think and miss you tons

Joel and Angela said...

OH! I am so glad I finally had time to check blogs!!! I want to call you (AND I WILL) but this week has been a little wild. TAVIN IS SO PRECIOUS!!! I am so glad things went well and that you are all home and healthy. You look great!! And you don't look like you haven't slept!! Hope to talk soon!

Katie said...

Cute photo! I'm glad you didn't do any cooking for Thanksgiving. That was smart! I hope Salem is able to hug her little brother ASAP!

The Gilbert Crew said...

Hey Girl! Your little man is HANDSOME! The family pic is great, you all look so happy. As always you look awesome,are you sure you just had a baby!!! Take care and talk to you soon!

Lysandra said...

I think that Tavin looks like you in that first photo.

Smitty 1, 2 , 3 and 4 said...

I swear i commented on here!!

SO happy for you. Hope Salem is feeling better and holding her little bro by now.

Sorry for the lost comment. I really was thinking of you and happy for you last week too. My comment just went to never never land.