Saturday, November 15, 2008

WAY false alarm

Imagine your little angel (that would be a child I'm referring to), coming into your room @ 6 AM to crawl in bed and cuddle with you. You see, this is a daily ritual in our household for the past month or so.  I'm usually awake, so she comes in our room and we just hold each other, talk, read books, and wait for the Today Show to start. This morning, however, was different.  She was tired and wanted to sleep a little while longer with her mommy and daddy. How wonderful!!!! So, Salem and I were spooning, when all of a sudden, I felt myself get wet......only to realize that it wasn't my water, but urine running down by entire body from my sweet Salem.  


d-people said...

LOL, that is sooo cute. Great story to tell later!

The Gilbert Crew said...

Too Funny, poor salem. Was she upset she had an accident?

The Quinn Report said...

She didn't even notice!

Andrea and Ben said...

Sounds like fun ;0) Hope you guys had fun with Bus this weekend!