until I feel as if I can relax a little. My mom and step dad are flying in tomorrow afternoon for 5 days to "cover" for us in case we happen to go into labor. If it were, by chance, to happen tonight, Salem would have to go over to Knox's house and I've been stressing over that for weeks. Janelle, Knox's mama, just had a baby girl 6 weeks ago; so I feel as if it would be too much for anyone in that situation to handle. I feel physically ready (he's been moving more than usual these past few days); however, emotionally I'm not there at all. I think all pregnant women get to that point where you feel as if it's never going to end and your going to be huge and miserable the rest of your life! Yep, I'm basically there!
I'm also trying to cram too much into such a short period of time. I'm having guilty feelings about Tavin coming along, so I'm doing everything and all that I can on a daily basis with Salem. So far today she's been to the dentist (okay, not exactly fun, but at least we did it together???), the library, park, lunch outing with Knox, and I took her to get her favorite...ice cream!!!! Now she's napping and I should be making one of my 199 meals that I'm freezing, but instead, I'm venting and shoving as many sour starburst's into my mouth as fast as I can.
I have this weird and unrealistic idea in my head that life is going to come to a complete halt the day we bring him home and that we'll NEVER be able to get out and enjoy all of life's beauty ever again! So that is why I'm basically killing myself trying to let Salem have the time of her freakin' life! I love it, but hate it all at the same time. You should see a 10 month pregnant beast trying to crawl her fat ass in and out of various inflatable jumping castles at our nearby indoor jumping gym. It isn't pretty and we'll just leave it at that!
So, I'm looking forward to having my family here! My mom's birthday is this weekend and we'll also be celebrating Thanksgiving, Christmas, and putting up all the holiday decor with them! It'll also be nice spreading out the present overload for Salem throughout the next month (Andrew's parents come next week and we'll be doing the same with them.)
Time for me to get a crack-a-lacking on more of those meals that I'm nesting over. That's another thing, I also feel that I'll never have time to cook a meal in my life ever again, so I'm cooking and freezing things up a storm....what an idiot! I'll probably have more time than ever because we will be stuck in the house all day! Someone stop me, please!