Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Not what we expected

Rrrrr... the fall festival at the Y didn't go as planned. Maybe my expectations were set too high for their 1st annual party. They had great ideas, it just wasn't organized well. My assumption was that it was supposed to be a parent/child festivity, and I was the ONLY parent that stayed. All others, just dropped their little ones off and booked it. Now, how are 3 caregivers supposed to do pumpkin carving with 25 kids? So, after I ended up helping keep everyone else's monsters, princesses, and Dora's in line, I decided to take my witch home with me so I could actually do something fun with her.

Hopefully I'll be able to snap better photos than this come Halloween night.


Samantha said...

At least Salem looked cute in her costume!

Katie said...

Her expression in that top photo is hilarious. She is saying "this SUCKS, mom!"

Andrea and Ben said...

Salem looks pissed/disappointed in that pic. Hilarious!

Joel and Angela said...

She's the cutest witch ever!