Friday, December 19, 2008

Baby's 1st Christmas!

Proud big sister with HER baby Tavin!

Last night, we (along with our friends Kris & Dawn), took the kids Christmas caroling in our neighborhood. Caroling might not be the correct word usage. It was more along the lines of jamming out to Christmas tunes from a portable cd player while walking and sharing a bottle of wine. We'll do just about anything as long as it involves getting together with friends and having a drink or two...or 3, or 4, or....

Loving my phil & teds double stroller!

The big event of the evening was dressing Tavin up in the baby outfit I wore for my 1st Christmas 26 years ago! I'm sure my parents are having major flashbacks comparing the 2! I must also add that these photos WERE NOT taken with my kick ass, brand spankin' new camera/GIFT of mine...MINE!!! I'm tired of being critiqued by another adult in this household whos name I'll so kindly not mention. I can't even touch the damn thing without some nervous sound coming out of his mouth. I think I've come up with the solution of only using it when the certain someone isn't under the same roof as I am. It's a shame.

Our Rock Star!


Katie said...

I love the new blog background.

Also, how much more hilarious can you get than a baby lying in the bottom of the stroller with a plastic cup of wine perched precariously over his head? Oh man. I needed that. Made me smile....

Joel and Angela said...

Katheryn is dying to go Christmas carolling. It does sound like fun...but we don't have very many nice neighbors.