bad days back-2-back, I don't know if I can handle this!!!! First off, as of yesterday, I had only slept 12 hours since friday. I had my in-laws fly in, my race, sick kids with coughs that lasted all hours of the night, training, etc.,.... with hardly any sleep each night. So, Tuesday night, I had just drifted off, when Salem came into our room. I stayed with her for 2 hours (coughing), went back to bed to go to my "happy place" again, when I heard Tavin screeching this GOD AWFUL sound in his crib. I raced in there to find him freaked the F out because he was having difficulty breathing. HOLY SHIT!!!!! I threw him in the car and drove him straight to the ER. They took one look at him and started my little man on breathing treatments (his oxygen levels were low.) The Doc, and myself included, SWORE up and down that it was RSV, but the test came back negative. A few hours later, we were sent home with an ear infection and albuterol to treat wheezing.
Then, it got worse from there. Salem wouldn't nap (which we all know can make for a bad day itself), Tavin required obvious attention, and then,..... I BROKE my freakin' toe!!! I've never broken a bone in my body, until now that is. It's black/deep red, swollen, mushy, and I'm just PISSED OFF!!! I got up and went to the gym at 5 this morning, to manage to get somewhat of a workout in. I won't go to the doctor because I can't bare the thought of listening to him tell me to stay off of it and not run! NOT RUN, I have to! It is the ONLY thing that keeps my sane! I have a bad day... I run, not enough sleep... run to wake-up, husband stress.... run, ate to many cookies... definitely RUN!!!! I can't function like this!!
Black toe with sugar stuck inbetween my feet (see above) and in much need of a pedicure!
So, here we are. Sitting around. We're trying to make the most of our "lock-down" status by baking cookies, coloring eggs, art activities, etc. Salem was helping me make cookies this morning, when the lid to the sugar container decided it didn't want to stay on anymore; therefore, all 5 pounds of sugar ended up on my kitchen floor. Then, I attempted to vacuum it all up, only I managed to ALSO suck-up a sock of mine (that has now stopped my $500 vacuum from functioning... fuck!!!!)
I'm worried about my kids heath (even though I know they're making progress), my toe fucking hurts, and I have a charity event/party/crawfish boil this Saturday at my house that I have to prepare for.. SHIT! I need sleep, a new toe, a set of children that are 100%, a couple housekeepers to follow me around, a chef (or 2), some prozac, painkillers, anxiety medication, a case of wine, and someone who is ready (and willing), to bling out the colored eggs with some glitter (that will then spill on the floor and stay there for eternity, due to the broken dyson.) Are you interested????
I have been there with the hideous coughing and breathing treatments and albuterol....GOD. You poor thing. That all sounds awful and terrible and I know it SUCKS.
Why do they think he was wheezing? That is freaky shit. Why is Salem coughing?
I hope you ALL get better ASAP.
That stinks. Worse than stinks. Sugar is one of the yuckiest things to try to clean up off the floor I think. I always miss some and then when I mop it just gets sticky. Good for you for doing the cookies and Easter stuff! I think I would have crawled on the couch and stayed by then! I hope everyone has a miraculous recovery and you have (another) fabulous party!!
Reid picked up some yucky crap on the plane. I fear respiratory illnesses. Hope everyone is feeling better this week.
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