Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Push the cart, drag the kids! Tavin is hiding in the front of the stroller.
This photo was taken @1230 am in Orlando... after a LONNG airplane delay/travel day!

Been jet setting a lot lately & this is what we look like..... just mommy Quinn and her 2 cubs. 7 pieces of luggage, 2 car seats, double stroller, purse, diaper bag, 3 year old, lap child, & rental car! Oh, its been fun; & we're gearing up for it again in 2 weeks to go to Colorado to visit Poppy & BuTTY!

Not even unpacking the luggage this time around... it's sitting by the door... ready to rock!


joanna said...

What a cutie!! That smile at 12:30 am after a day of travel... amazing!!

SchultzMomma said...

It's a good thing you're so fit, girl! That is A LOT to push/pull. Oh man- that's rough & I can totally relate. I get to do that on my own with 3 kids in the near future- flying coast to coast (ughhh!) I hope you have a great trip to Colorado!

Katie said...

Oh Jesus. You are bringing back my Travel With Kids PTSD.