Friday, June 5, 2009

Chunk-a-hunk is now weighing in @ 2o pounds! 80th% for weight, 25th for height! 250 + pound female doctor had the nerve to tell me that I feed him too much and that Tavin is overweight!!! Give me a flippin' break! Nothing irks me more than someone giving advice that they, themselves, should take into consideration. Gggrrrrrrrr.....!!!!


SchultzMomma said...

awww... he is so sweet. Gotta love a chunk-a-love baby. He'll average out when he starts moving around- it's not like he's off the charts... sheesh! Give a guy a break!

Andrea_Ben said...

Whatever fat lady - that is what I would have said. Yes I am 12.

On another note - Reid weighs 20 lbs, 12 oz! They are just so opposite - I love it :0)

Tavin is a cutie and obviously very happy, that should be what matters.

Samantha said...

Aaawww, poor chunky monkey! Like it's been said already, it will all even out and as long as he's happy it doesn't matter!

The Walinski's said...

I have a hard time taking advise from doctors about health when they are obviously not healthy themselves....Tavin is so cute and enjoy every moment of those rolls they will be gone before you know it!!!

Katie said...

Ha! It is like he is covering his ears. Don't listen to that crazy doctor, mama!

That is stupid. He is healthy and happy. Ignore her! Go with your mommy instincts!