Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Catching butterflies!

Okay, I hope you're all in need of a good laugh this am because this, THIS, was comical!!! With a million butterflies swarming all around, you would THINK it would be an easy task to get ONE, just one damn butterfly, in the freakin' net!!! No, hell-to-the NO, we were out there for an hour, and I think we succeeded MAYBE 3 times. Andrew attempted first.... until I got completely frustrated with him because HELLLOOOO they were all around us and he was taking FOREVER to catch one!! So, I took the net (in a pissed off "I'll show you fashion") & went at it myself. Mmmm.... as you can see, it was way more difficult than I initially thought and found myself spinning in circles while the kids/Andrew laughed out load behind me!

Oh, and in attempt to do so, I knocked Salem over, sent her into a crying frenzy, pissed Andrew off for doing so/not having more SA &....... eventually threw in the towel... after I caught my precious butterfly a flippin' butterfly of her very own!!

Next time, I'm buying a bigger damn net!