Salem made a funny card.....
& he turned 1... so sad!
We're still alive and kicking!!! Well, sort-of. Andrew took a crash today skiing in Tahoe, dislocated his shoulder for the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, oh hell, I lost count how many times!!!! My hip is still giving me the shits and am doing rehab 2 x's per week. Slow process, but optimistic that I will, one day, have a running career again; or should I say, SANITY back (is more like it!)
Kids are fan-freakin'-tastic; which is all I could ever hope and ask for!!! Salem is still digging school & has moved onto learning how to read and write... this is all she wants to do... ALL DAY LONG!!! Writing Mom and Salem, are her favorites! We've also signed on to have her in swim lessons this summer; looking forward to that!
Big boy Tavi, is exactly that... BIG!!! Today, he wore a pair of 5... YES... 5T shorts 2 the gym!! He is massive & loves to cuddle with mama; which can b difficult to do with his size/circumference!
Hhhmmm.... other than that, we've been busy with travels and don't c that slowing down anytime in the near future! Drew recently went skiing in Taos, while I took a trip to LA/San Fran/NAPA/Sanoma/Sacramento with some girlfriends!!! Andrew gets home this weekend & next week, the kids and I head out to go visit Andrew's fam in Florida. Then, we're back a few weeks, only to turn around and head north to visit my parents & close friends in Colorado! Fun, fun, fun!!!!!
Will post more of our happenings in the days to come. For now, I just wanted to do a quick "fill-in" to inform all and motivate me to get on here more frequently!