Okay, for those of you who facebook, this will b repetitive....& for those of you who don't (DADDY!!!!), here you have it!!!

FINISHED!!! 5 Hours, 34 minutes!!!

Transition 1... thousands of bikes! (Someone asked and no, that is not me in the photo!)

The swim waves were in age groups and a different heat went every 5 minutes
SO, I LOVED THE RACE!!! LOVED, LOVED, LOVEEEDDD ALL 70.3 MILES OF IT!!! Even the swim; which I totally suck at! It consisted of a 1.2 mile swim (my time=43 minutes), 56 mile bike ( 2 hours, 51 minutes= average speed of 19.6 mph) & 13.1 mile run at the end (1 hour, 52 minutes =8:33 average minutes per mile.) 22nd place in age group/wave & 96th overall!

Running into the arena for the finish! I love the sign that is being held up in the background... "Enjoy the Moment!!"
The only downfall to all of this is that now, I have my heart set on completing a full Ironman=140.6, in Arizona, as soon as next year. That is also the dilemma. I'm having an inner battle trying to decide what is best for my family. I felt good on Sunday when I finished, GREAT! Had it been the full, I think I could have done it, for sure.!! BUTTTT... I won't lie! I trained my tail off, REALLY! I tried my hardest to have it take away the least amount of time possible away from the fam., but there were just days, especially on the weekends, that I couldn't get around being gone during the day for 4 hours or more.... AND THOSE DAYS SUCKED!!! It's one thing to be gone for an hour or so run (I like to call it "free therapy"), but being gone for HOURS, brings a tremendous amount of guilt and stress on. Again, the feeling of completion is amazing, but it came at a huge expense.... emotionally, financially, physically... and I realize all those things. This isn't a poor mans sport! U know you're f-d in the head when you start selling things to buy race running shoes or those hefty entry fees ($280 for the Longhorn!!!) I know, $280 to RACE, that, in itself, is CRAZY!!!
So, a lot to think about and ponder during this "off season." Now, marathon training will kick in and I'm planning on running the Austin 26.2 in February. I know this will come as a shocker, but I'm going to take a huge (for me) hiatus from Thanksgiving- January 1st off and spend every minute with my family... they deserve it!!! I think Andrew is more relieved that it's over than I. For me, I feel as if I checked that goal off and now what's next???.... obviously the 140 miler!!!
Any takers on buying me a tri-bike???? What, it's only like $4,000!!!!