Sunday, July 19, 2009

Is THAT what I think it is!!!????

This is the 1st thing I came across doing my weekly 4AM Walmart shopping on Thursday. Yes, that would, indeed, be flasks for sale right in the back-to- school supply issle. Hey, nothing like starting our kids off early these days!!! You know, teach them the important things.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Alaska Photo Session!

Starting off on our drive to Dallas... to fly North
Do I want chocolate Barbie......
Or blonde Barbie!!!??????
Oh hell, just show me some legs!!!!
Swinging @ Pioneer Park

Pike's in the Garden.... Where we got married!
Santa Clause House.. North Pole, AK
Anchorage... Heidi, Chum & Elliot
Santa Clause House with Tavin
The Alaska Pipeline

Wait, where's Salem!??
Our sweet Ford Taurus rental car